The breakfast at our B&B was great. The lady in the kitchen (not the owner) is a sweetheart who we feel certain goes home at night begging God to deliver her from Leona’s evil twin.
We tried to “do” Taos, with limited success. We went to the world HQ for earthship homes, which was mostly a display designed to sell you something. Still, for my dad and others with an interest, we have taken a few pictures.

Then we looked down 750 feet into Taos’ version of the Rio Grande Gorge.

Then we found a gallery with an artist we liked and bought a few prints. Then we got some lunch at a newly opened vegan-friendly restaurant that made the best veggie burger Jenn’s ever had. Then, on what was supposed to be a day of respite for Chris from driving, we headed up into the Taos mountains just to see what was what. It was beautiful. Then we came back down into downtown Taos and hit a wall. We think we were dehydrated or something, but lucky for us, we stumbled into the bar at the Taos Inn, where we met Angela, the greatest waitress and salesperson for Taos.
Angela is one of those people who, as soon as you meet her, you know she will go as far as she wants to in life. Gregarious, warm, funny, she has a following in Taos, kind of like a rock star. She caught us at a moment when Taos held few charms for us. It is touristy and overburdened with its own sense of itself. We were hating it, until she told us to take a drive on the Enchanted Circle. Thank you, Angela. You saved Taos for us.