Recently a well-written Washington Post article about the new Doctor was headlined “Of course ‘Doctor Who’s’ new star is a woman. Sci-fi has always been about progress.” First, I want to say it’s usually an editor, not the writer who comes up with the headline. And my problem isn’t really with the article. It’s with […]
12 hours
Against all odds I have arisen from a perfectly good bed earlier than usual and begun putting words to that ever-more-virtual paper as the world changed and yet remained the same. In the Georgia 6th, the person who was most likely to win did win despite millions of dollars and lots of hype. In the […]
30 years of sobriety, not very well explained
Before you go any further it should be noted this is very personal and very, very TMI and way too over-sharing. If bared personal truths make you feel uncomfortable, it’s best you leave now. That’s not a dare. I’m terrified of what you might read next. It’s OK if you don’t read it. It’s OK […]
Missing Mom
Most days I am ok with this grief thing. I never quite lose what my mom used to call that “wet” feeling in my gut, but I can manage to push through and even push it aside for periods of time. When I am at work, this is particularly possible, but, right now, thanks to […]
On Death and Wildflowers
My mother, Becky, loved sunflowers. She grew them in her yard and would announce each and every summer that they had “never been as pretty as this year!” Becky also had a somewhat unorthodox view of religion and what happens when we die. She believed that the actions and the memories of the people left […]
My Personal Shopper Is Gone
I spent this morning switching from my winter to summer wardrobe, and any other year this would have been a routine task, but my mom bought all my best clothes, literally, and when she died in March, my pipeline to sale items at Talbot’s and Land’s End dried up. My Personal ShopperI feel INCREDIBLY guilty […]